Why Every Small Business Needs an Email List

Repeat after me: Email is KING!

If you haven't started your email list, you will now. Having an email list is so very important for business.

Why is having an EMAIL LIST so important?

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tiktok - they are all based on algorithms. If those companies decide to censor you, or delete your account, would your business survive? What if they change their algorithms and no longer show your work to your following? Email is your backup plan. It's your insurance.

It's also a list of your most loyal fans. (This is important)

Emails have a much higher success rate for reaching your people, then any social platform.

It's also YOURS. You own it.

You can build intimate relationships with the emails you write.

Your readers can refer back to it and search for anything you send them, whenever they like. (including coupons!) Can't do that on Tiktok...

They can stay up to date with your happenings.

Your audience can feel more connected to you and your brand.

Still not convinced?

What is the first thing you do in the morning? If you are like me, it is check your email. “Turns out 92% of adults in the US have an email address, and 61% of them check it DAILY!” (Quote from Alex Cattoni). That's huge!