Focus Five - The 5 Things That Describe Your Business
Find your focus, change the game
You and your business NEED focus in order to be able to help guide your day-to-day decisions and give you clarity. Narrowing down what you want your business to be will help you focus your efforts.
Let's get your message and your focus super clear.
Here are some things to think about when doing this exercise to help narrow in on the focus areas of your business:
What do you want your business to say?
What do you want portrayed?
Why are you doing this business?
What do you want to get out of it?
What do you want to give to your following?
What is important to you?
Why is it important to you?
Do you have a message you want to send? Or something you want to bring awareness to?
Is there something you want to show your support of? Or speak out against?
Are you trying to make money?
If you could tell your followers just one thing, what would you tell them? What if you could tell them 5 things?
Why do you do what you do?
Little Reminders:
Limit it to about 5 things, so you can give those 5 things the time, attention, and focus they deserve. Fewer is also fine, but aim for 5.
This is YOUR platform, this is YOUR business. YOU get to choose what it is, and what it isn’t!
The truer and more honest you are to yourself, the more you will attract the audience of your dreams and have a greater impact on them. The things that make you and your business uniquely you will be the thing that draws in your people. Let your vibe attract your tribe. Be authentic.
It doesn’t have to be set in stone! Done is better than perfect. You can ALWAYS change your 5 things as your business changes.
Some of your areas of focus will present themselves to you easily, and some may come after a rearranging of priorities, or after you do the 5 year-to-1 year exercise. Pause and re-evaluate every quarter or at least yearly.
Tape it up somewhere. It is good to be reminded often where your priorities lie, DAILY! Or better yet, write them daily. You can even make a digital image and turn it into your home screen on your phone, iPad or laptop.
Here is an example of my Focus 5:
Wood Burn Corner
Collaboration with Artists and Companies
Building Community & Supporting Other Makers
Giving Back
Creating and Sharing Beautiful Art
All of the decisions you make, all of the pieces you make, all of the posts you write, all the things you do when it comes to your business should involve one or more of these categories.
This will help give you and your business consistency across the board and will help give you a framework to work around.
Pausing to take the time to figure out what you are about in the big picture will ensure your business is exactly what you want it to be.
Make it clear for you, and clear for your audience.
Exercise: Write your Focus Five. Take your time, but don't fret about it, because you can always adjust it.