Basia's Radial Symmetry Art (Digital Form)

Basia here! As you already know, I love to make art with patterns. Especially circular and symmetrical patterns!

I really got into creating digital art because it was just so easy to create on the go. I moved up North and while my things were packed, there were images in my head that I had to get out onto something tangible.

These will definitely inspire my future wood burning work.

Of course, I still stick to nature themed images as they continue to inspire me to create more art and also to get outside more. I moved into the forest, and plan to continue taking more photos and playing with more nature to find and create symmetrical artworks.

These digital artworks were made using procreate using my own photo’s as well as AI photos (using Midjourney).

I am addicted. It is so much fun to create these organized abstract designs!

To see my collection, and get them in a sticker, on a pillow, or even a shower curtain, check out my shop:

Below is a time-lapse of a floral pattern I made using my photos, cut, paste, arranged and then arranged again:

What is radial symmetry to me?

a radial symmetry pattern to me is the end result of a mindfulness journey.

It is what I get at the end of a creative meditation, a zone out, a doodle session (whatever you want to call it!)

I use drawing a mandala (wether in digital format or on paper/wood) as a form of meditation.

The repetitive patterns I make help me zone out and immerse myself in each second.

If you want to learn how to make your own pattern (non-digital form), check out the Community Book of Templates (Radial Symmetry Edition) with instructions and a variety of templates for you to transfer onto wood and burn, OR the Art Deco/Art Nouveau style bundle, which I call Presence (digital and hardcopy available) full of templates and also step-by-step instructions to drawing your own patterns.

Once you learn how to draw your patterns, you can easily transfer them (or draw them directly) onto wood!


Click through the following links to learn how to transfer your designs using heat and without using heat!